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Hair Loss Comes From Father But You Dont Have To Live With It

We cannot choose the circumstances we were born in, and we certainly cannot choose the genes we were born with. So for those of you guys who are experiencing male pattern baldness, sorry but tough luck. Your hair loss comes from father and his father before him, and you are likely to pass it on to your son and his son someday. As we have so callously stated earlier, male pattern baldness is genetic; such a hair loss comes from father, and is passed down from father to son through the generations. This means that if you are male and you have a father who is afflicted with male pattern baldness, chances are that you will also develop the same condition when you reach a certain age. It was previously believed that male pattern baldness is inherited from a person's maternal grandfather because the genes that determine male pattern baldness are always found in the X chromosome, which always comes from the mother.

Recent studies, however, have revealed that the condition being passed from father to son is more likely. Your father gave you hair loss - that is a fact. The real question is: do you have to put up with it for the rest of YOUR life? It is your choice and it will always be your choice. You can go bald if you want, but there are options you can take to deal with your hair loss aside from embracing it completely and leaving your bare head alone.

There are a number of treatments available for dealing with hair loss. Here are just a few of them: 1. Nutritional therapy. If you want to keep a healthy head of hair, then you must eat nutritious food.

Iron, vitamin C, biotin, protein and essential fatty acids are needed to promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair loss. 2. Alternative medicine.

For those who are willing to try, traditional Chinese medicine offers some herbal formulas that are geared towards cleansing the system and promoting hair growth. Acupuncture is also said to stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp. 3.

Naturotherapy. Naturotherapy involves cleansing diets and fasting, which are geared towards improving digestion and blood circulation. With improved blood circulation, more nutrients will be provided to the hair follicles and promote better hair growth.

4. Aromatherapy. A daily massage of the scalp with jojoba oil is said to remove dirt and impurities that slow down hair growth, as well as help improve circulation. Hair loss indeed comes from "father genes," but it does not mean that you have to live with hair loss.

You can beat the dictates of your genes by exploring your options. provides you with info on hair loss comes from father and much more, come take a look at

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