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The Truth About Hair Transplant Surgery

The most common health problem suffered by most individuals these days is hair loss. This is a health problem that affects the self esteem of most people across the globe. Healthy hair plays an important role in displaying the overall personality of a person. Hair Loss can make a person lose confidence and even self esteem in some cases.

Hair transplant surgery has become really popular these days. People are opting for this procedure for hair restoration. This method is one of the most effective methods for coping up with male pattern baldness.

In this type of surgery, hair-bearing portion of scalp is removed. Thereafter, it is transplanted on to the bald patch. The technology has advanced a lot these days. This has resulted in easier hair transplant.

The surgery of hair transplantation is a delicate procedure. A series of precaution is required to taken care of. The whole surgery takes about four hours where the whole scalp is treated with certain antibacterial chemicals. Thereafter, the scalp is shampooed. Doctors harvest a strip of hair from the hairy area of the scalp measuring 1-1.5 x 15-30cm.

A lot of care is taken when removing this tissue so as to make sure that the important follicular cells do not get harmed. A close inspection is followed by using binocular microscopes when the graft receiving sites are punchered with a fine needle. These are arranged in a density determined earlier. The grafts are placed on the patchy areas individually.

Usually fifty grafts per square centimeter are considered adequate for providing good hair density. When undertaken professionally and properly, the whole procedure can result in awesome results. It is no easy to make out whether the hair is natural or transplanted.

There are several precautions one requires to take when conducting hair transplantation surgery. The patient is informed about the kind of precautions he should take well in advance. The patient needs to stay away from alcohol for a prescribed period of time. The operated area should not be shampooed or exposed to sunlight or some days after surgery.

There are several benefits of opting for hair transplant surgery. Here are some of the benefits: a) Hair transplant surgery is quicker transplant procedure as compared to others as it saves a lot of time for separating follicular unit. Less time is required for the placement of these units. b) This procedure prevents iatrogenic injury to the follicular units during the dissection phase. c) The process reduces iatrogenic injury when placement is undertaken as follicular grouping are not fragile due to the more amount of tissue attached to them.

d) The procedure advances at a fast pace and it allows the grafts to be exposed from the body for a lesser period of time, thereby increasing their survival rates. e) This procedure saves a good amount of money for hair transplantation. Hair transplantation procedure is the best procedures if you want to get hair in natural way at lesser cost.

However, you need to be sure that the professional you contact is well experienced and reputed in his area of profession. The procedure will produce fruit only when undertaken by a veteran surgeon. You need to talk to people who have already undergone this type of surgery before prior to going for it. This will provide you an idea of the overall results and satisfaction rate of people with the result.

For more Articles, News, Information, Advice, and Resources about HAIR LOSS please visit HAIR LOSS INSIGHTS and HAIR LOSS ADVICE

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